Improving the Health of Your Dog: Interview w/ Dr. Brooks Tiller | Ep: #126
Improving the Health of Your Dog
Improving the health of your dog: In this episode of the podcast Jeremy is on the Healthy Hunter Podcast talking to Dr. Brooks Tiller about a number of different topics. From shed dogs, tracking dogs, and even ways in which you can help to improve the health of your dog! This podcast covers a wide variety of great topics that many of you will find interesting, and hopefully helpful. Thank you for your continued support of the DogBone podcast, and don’t forget to share it with someone you think it will help!
As always, thanks for tuning in and keep the questions and feedback coming.
Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to the Turnpike Troubadours for allowing us to use a snippet from one of our all-time favorite songs The Bird Hunter. Make sure to check out their music, they are a favorite of ours.
Thanks again for your support of The DogBone Pawdcast! Please share and subscribe.
Listen to Episode 127