Dog Training Without Force: Interview w/ Field Dog Life | Ep: #123
Dog Training Without Force
Dog training without force is what DogBone has been built on. In this episode of the DogBone podcast we are doing an interview in an Instagram live with Daniel of Field Dog Life. We are talking on a variety of dog training topics in both the bird dog, gun dog, shed dog, and tracking dog training realms. This was a great conversation that is full of good information that you will be sure to enjoy!
If you have followed along with us in the past, you will know that Jeremy utilizes a dog training without force style. This means that he does not use techniques such as shock collars and force fetch. This episode dives into the why and how he does this.
As always, thanks for tuning in and keep the questions and feedback coming.
Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to the Turnpike Troubadours for allowing us to use a snippet from one of our all-time favorite songs The Bird Hunter. Make sure to check out their music, they are a favorite of ours.
Thanks again for your support of The DogBone Pawdcast! Please share and subscribe.
Listen to Episode 124