“Cali… Keep On”: Our Newest Bird Dog Training Series | Ep: #117
Bird Dog Training Series
Bird dog training series has begun here with our new yellow lab named Cali! We are excited to bring you this series, and believe you will get a ton of information out of it! Cali is 16 months old, and has had a great foundation built under her. Now, we will be figuring out where she is at in her training, and working to take the next steps. We will be training her to be a bird dog in this series, as she will be hunting many pheasant, grouse, and other upland birds. We hope you enjoy this bird dog training series, and thank all those who follow along!
In today’s episode of the DogBone Pawdcast, we dive into our newest series posting on our DogBoneHunter YouTube channel, Cali… Keep On!
As always, thanks for tuning in and keep the questions and feedback coming.
Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to the Turnpike Troubadours for allowing us to use a snippet from one of our all-time favorite songs The Bird Hunter. Make sure to check out their music, they are a favorite of ours.
Thanks again for your support of The DogBone Pawdcast! Please share and subscribe.
Listen to Episode 118