A Deer Hunting Episode: How Josh Stein Uses HODAG Outdoors Products to Kill Big UP Bucks! | Ep: #256
A Deer Hunting Episode: How Josh Stein Uses HODAG Outdoors Products to Kill Big UP Bucks!
This episode is for the deer hunting men/woman that follow our podcast! We have another brand called HODAG Outdoors, and in honor of deer season being just around the corner, we thought we'd share this interview with good friend Josh Stein on how he uses our HODAG Outdoors deer hunting products to kill big bucks in the UP! For those of you who are deer hunters in our audience, which we think there are a bunch of you, we hope you enjoy this and get something from it as we head into deer season. Mock scrapes and deer scent hubs are an extremely effective way to put more deer in-front of your trail cameras and stands, and we believe that our HODAG Outdoors line of mock scrape products and deer scents are the best there is. We hope you enjoy it!
You can find all the HODAG Outdoors mock scrape products and learn more here!