Northern Snow Goose Hunting: "Snowin' in Sask"

Snow goose hunting in Saskatchewan proved to be nothing short of phenomenal. Ben wen't north of the border with some good friends and decided to tote a few cameras along to capture some of the action. Although I did much more shooting then filming, the action provided ample footage to make a hunt out of!

This snow goose hunt was a huge step up for Cleo, who is about 2 and a half and has not seen anything close to the level of temptation, distraction, excitement, and chaos that comes with a week of snow goose hunting. Cleo definitely had her ups and downs, but by the end of the week she settled in nicely and took some very big steps forward! I'm excited to continue to improve with Cleo, gain confidence, and fine tune some of our issues as we continue through the goose and duck hunting season.

Also along for this hunt was Cody, who many of you will remember from the "Cody... Go Back" series that documented Jeremy through Cody's training. She is a seasoned vet and handled this week of snow goose hunting very well.

This snow goose hunt is a bit different from our usual videos, but I hope you enjoy the action!