How Dogs Track Wounded Deer w/ The Deer Society | Ep: #187
How dogs track wounded deer
Collaboration with JJ Dukart and Bryan Lemke of The Deer Society & Almond Eye Productions
In this special episode of the podcast, we had the privelage to sit down and be a part of The Deer Society Podcast with our friends Bryan Lemke and JJ Dukart! In this one, we dive into everything deer tracking dogs, from the importance of them as a conservation tool, their effectiveness, how they smell and are able to track a specific wounded deer, and much more! This is one you won't want to miss.
Deer tracking dogs are something that we feel every whitetail hunter should have as a resource to recover wounded deer. This podcast will help you to do just that, and maybe even make you want one of your own!
As always,
thanks for tuning in and keep the questions and feedback coming.
Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to the Turnpike Troubadours for allowing us to use a snippet from one of our all-time favorite songs The Bird Hunter. Make sure to check out their music, they are a favorite of ours.
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For more puppy training podcast episodes: The DogBone Pawdcast
Listen to Episode 188