My Dog Blinks on Retrieves! | Ep: #186
My Dog blinks on retrieves!
In this episode of the podcast Jeremy dives into a question that came in from a fellow who is having trouble with his dog blinking on birds and certain types of dummies! This is a common problem many face, but one that does have actionable steps to correct! In this podcast, we dive into why a dog might be blinking on retrieves, and what Jeremy would try to fix it.
As always,
thanks for tuning in and keep the questions and feedback coming.
Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to the Turnpike Troubadours for allowing us to use a snippet from one of our all-time favorite songs The Bird Hunter. Make sure to check out their music, they are a favorite of ours.
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For more puppy training podcast episodes: The DogBone Pawdcast
Listen to Episode 187